Energy Healing

Go beyond the physical body for healing and focus on restoring balance, vitality, and a return to Self.  Energy Healing sessions focus on a specific health issue, a heavy or stuck emotion, or a current challenge you are facing. They can also be used as an “energetic tune up”.

Why Focus Beyond the Physical Body for Healing?

Because…we are more than our physical bodies.

Sometimes our experiences in life impact us more deeply than we ever thought they could.

Supporting the energetic traumas and imbalances of the body can be an extremely effective strategy for holistic healing and well-being.

What Is Energy Medicine?

Energy Medicine or Shamanic Healing is used to support whole person healing and health. During these energy sessions, blockages within the Luminous Energy Body are removed. Blockages at any level are obstacles to healing and growth. The blockages within the field create pathways that support dysfunction instead of health and joy. Removing these blockages or dysfunctional programs allows the person to come into balance.

The Energetic or Essential level of engagement is where the blueprint of all things reside. Because of this, we can work on the energetic level to influence healing on all other levels, including the symbolic (mind), mythic (stories and beliefs), and literal (physical). When we are in alignment on all 4 levels, healing occurs and disempowering patterns can be shifted into an empowered state.

This creates space and opportunity to engage in life differently, allowing us to live healthier and happier lives, to create lasting change. We are no longer weighed down by disempowering thoughts, beliefs, imprints, and patterns. We shift the energetic field and then reinforce the healing by shifting our thoughts, conversations, actions and interactions in a way that aligns with the life we desire.

Heal Physically, Mentally, Emotionally

Types of Energy Healing

Etheric Sessions

These mini sessions are often done weekly to restore balance, vitality, and awareness. Sessions can be focused on a specific health issue or challenge you are facing or can be used as an “energetic tune up”

Illumination Sessions

Illumination sessions are more interactive and works on removing a disempowering pattern, emotion, or strategy. Commit to releasing old patterns that hold you back.

Return to your Authentic Self.

What to Expect Before, During, and After an Energy Healing Session

Before the Session

Before the session occurs, sometimes a patient will notice the symptoms become louder or more noticeable. This helps us understand what needs to be worked on during a session.

During the Session

Etheric Sessions can be done by phone or in person. These are shorter and the patient can lie down or be relaxed in a chair.  A quiet environment is encouraged. During the session, the patient focuses on receiving and relaxing. An intention or area of focus is often identified by the client before we get started.

The Illumination Session starts with a short talk where we identify a pattern or feeling that is causing problems. Then we move into energy work, often done with the patient lying down. Active breath and cues are used to help the person fully release disempowering ideas, thoughts, patterns, beliefs contributing to illness or distress.  Everything is explained to the client prior to the session beginning.

After the Session

After the session, clients often feel much better and more relaxed. It’s possible that the client can experience fatigue and a desire to rest. Rest and self care is encouraged. Clients often notice that they feel lighter, less stressed, and overall more hopeful and energized.

The ultimate approach to healing will be to remove the abnormalities at the subtle-energy level which led to the manifestation of illness in the first place.”

— Richard Gerber, M.D.

Dive Deep, Heal Fully, Find Your Power!

Discover Your Most Authentic Self

Etheric Session Package

A series of Energy Healing phone sessions done weekly to restore balance, vitality, and awareness. These are also great to work on a specific health issue or challenge you are facing.

The Big Shift

Commit to releasing old patterns that hold you back. Each session will focus on energetically removing a disempowering pattern. This allows the Self to engage from a more empowered place. This packages includes a series of 3 Illumination Sessions, and you get 2 Free Etheric Sessions recommended in between the Illumination Sessions.

Single Session

Schcedule a single energy session with Dr. Ivory. Either by phone or in person in Trinidad, Colorado..