Made for You Health Packages
These packages have been carefully curated to help you effortlessly prioritize your health. They are designed to efficiently pinpoint the root causes of symptoms.
You will leave with a personalized plan to get you feeling the best ever yet.
Your Kickstart to Better Health
Ready to begin? Let’s dive in! This is a great package to get you started and keep you on track during your health journey. We will assess your health goals, recommend and review labs, and tweak your plan to make sure you are moving in the right direction.
Starter Package
What is Included
75 min appointment with Dr. Ivory in person or virtual
Two 60 min follow-up appointments
Quick session to ask questions and provide feedback on what is working and what is not
$600, does no include labs.
When you're ready to understand your body and make targeted changes for optimal health, these packages are here for you.
Health Commitment Packages
Option 1
with Comprehensive Labs
Dive deep into your health with an Initial visit, comprehensive functional medicine labs, and a follow up visit to review the labs and customize your treatment. You also get a complimentary Protocol Clarification visit at no cost to you.
75 min New Patient Consultation
60 min Follow-up
One Office Lab Draw
20 min Support and Clarification call
$700. You get a savings of $130.00.
Option 2
with Comprehensive Labs and Nutrient Injections
This package is the way to go if you are looking for specific health outcomes and monitoring progress. A comprehensive intake for pattern recognition and goal setting, along with comprehensive functional labs are completed to create a customized plan that right for you. It also includes 2 follow up appointments to make sure the protocol is working for you, along with repeated labs to monitor progress. Lastly, you get two B12 injections and protocol specific check in to make sure you feel your best and stay on track.
75 min New Patient Consultation
Two 60 min Follow-up
Two Office Lab Draws
20 min Support and Clarification call
Two Nutrient Injections
Access to Virtual Yoga Class
$1,140. You get a savings of $220.00.
Food Allergy Panel and Consultation
$130 SAVINGS by purchasing this package.
Inflammatory foods can cause body and joint pain, fatigue, headaches, brain fog, weight gain and more.
Would you like to identify foods that cause of inflammation in your body? Which ones to avoid and which are perfectly ok? Then consider this package - it includes the Reactive Food Panel, a New Patient Consultation, and a follow-up visit to review the results and discuss the elimination trial and re-introduction. A free Reintroduction / Clarification call is also included.
Quick session to ask questions and provide feedback on what is working and what is not.
75 min appointment with Dr. Ivory in person or virtual.
One 60 min follow up visit to review the results and discuss the elimination trial and re-introduction.
Office lab draw, the Reactive Food Panel will test for 96 foods sensitivities and intolerances.
$610 including lab fees and consultations.